• 住宿
  • 在地美食
  • 特色體驗
  • 戶外探索
高山森林基地 GaoShan Forest Center 雙濱共好店家

Located on the slopes of coastal mountains next to the Provincial Highway, lives a small group of people from the Bunun tribe. Like the children who have flown from their parent’s nest in the central mountain range, they travelled over mountains and came to the coastal mountains to start their own life story. High Mountain Forest Base owner, Xiao-Ma says “ the forest is the best companion for locals and visitors.” Xiao-Ma wants to share the forest in hopes of letting people reconnect with nature. Through forest trekking, archery, making campfires, and rope climbing, Xiao-Ma hopes to establish connections between nature and mankind.

Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!

#SDGs 1 取之於部落,自發性的回饋部落 / 主動參與社區服務 / 透過義賣或樂捐,幫助部落的孩子並關懷老人
#SDGs 2 生活中不浪費食物 / 購買部落長輩所採集的野菜及飼養的家禽 / 支持在地小農,建立產地與餐桌的供應鏈
#SDGs 3 常運動 / 隨時保持身體與心理健康 / 擁有一顆樂於助人的心
#SDGs 4 支持偏鄉兒童的受教權 / 終身學習 / 身為原住民,我們要教導孩子們族語,讓族語得以永存 / 教導孩子山與海的相關知識,讓他們在從事山海活動時,擁有自救能力
#SDGs 5 支持多元性別的權利並提供他們公平的工作機會 / 承諾不會性別歧視 / 不會暴力待人
#SDGs 6 節約用水 / 保護水源安全,選用環保清潔劑、不在上下游使用農藥 / 不在上下游使用農藥 / 選用環保清潔劑 / 所有的廢水都會先進行淨化處理,避免直接讓廢水排放至溪水和海岸邊
#SDGs 7 節約用電,民宿客房申裝截電器,減少用電
#SDGs 8 發掘部落優勢,建立部落創新永續的產業 / 協同部落族人共同創業 / 提供新的工作機會 / 讓族人有傳統產業轉型的機會
#SDGs 9 不提供一次性塑膠瓶裝飲水及一次性餐具的使用 / 拒絕不必要的塑膠垃圾 / 我落實垃圾分類與回收 / 不提供一次性備品,避免資源的浪費
#SDGs 10 保護並接納弱勢群體,推動一些幫助部落弱勢的公益活動 / 提供經驗、協助青年返鄉 / 公平支付員工薪資
#SDGs 11 保護在地文化 / 落實生態監測 / 參與部落巡山和潮間帶巡護活動 / 協助在地田野調查,維護部落所留下的文字、圖像、影片、文物等珍貴的文化資產,讓下一代擁有最完整的在地知識系統 / 推動教育宣導、提升員工對當地文化的理解
#SDGs 12 選購在地生產的食品與物品,減少運輸過程 / 避免產品過度包裝,減少垃圾 / 透過正確丟棄、回收或捐贈,降低環境污染 / 重新改造用不到的舊物、鼓勵分享與借用
#SDGs 13 提供旅客乾淨的飲用水,在旅行當中減少寶特瓶使用 / 提供旅客大眾運輸相關資訊、鼓勵共乘或綠能交通工具 / 減碳行動,支持並推動山林及海洋復育 / 採用自然生態工法,減少使用農藥與除草劑,維護生態環境
#SDGs 14 使用可重複使用的提袋與容器、吸管及餐具取代一次性塑膠包裝,避免海洋汙染 / 我購買可持續魚類及海鮮水產,不過度捕撈 / 我選擇無動力的獨木舟或帆船產業,支持不讓水上摩托車經營業者進駐花東海域 / 我幫助魚類資源復育,支持生態與海洋和諧共生
#SDGs 15 支持與自然和諧共生,尊重生物多樣性與獵場生態倫理 / 耕作時,不使用化肥及農藥,避免水源污染 / 推動專業的生態導覽活動,讓旅客了解山林智慧,不讓財團過度開發土地,保護土地生態
#SDGs 16 尊重在地文化與習俗 / 關注地方事務發展,了解並適切表達看見與想法 / 我積極參與部落會議組織,透過會議諮商權益,確保部落的公平正義與正向發展
#SDGs 17 樂意以彼此合作互惠,建立與在地、與旅客的夥伴關係 / 透過雙贏思維,形成包容、共好的支持系統 / 提供環境友善資訊,協助旅客達到更永續的旅行
下鄉行動工作室 雙濱共好店家

Originally from northern Taiwan, Candy (Wang Ting Yao) moved to Fengbin in 2012 because of her love for the sea. She relocated to Jingpu in 2015 and established "Rural Action Studio". Among her various other undertakings, "Yi Lang" offers non-intrusive water activities such as kayaking and snorkeling, so travelers can enjoy the ocean without disturbing its ecosystem, promoting ecological conservation. For those who prefer to stay on land, guided tours of the intertidal zone are available to enrich their understanding of the ocean.

Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!

優先聘用在地部落青年教練,讓青年得以在地就業;曾與東管處、林務局、海保署合作,盤點與監測潮間帶常見食用物種,守護石梯坪潮間帶的海洋資源。「山林是大海的情人,在陸地上所做的所有事情,最終是大海要概括承受。」無法從事海上運動時, Candy在花蓮靜浦山谷耕種「海秧米」,堅持不灑農藥、除草劑、甚至是有機肥,以純淨無污染的里素溪水灌溉稻米生長,進而復甦秀姑巒溪南岸出海口的生態環境。
#SDGs1消除貧窮 #SDGs14保育海洋生態 #SDGs15保育陸域生態

Candy prioritizes hiring local tribal youth coaches, providing employment opportunities for young people in the area. She has collaborated with the East Coast National Scenic Area Administration, the Forestry Bureau, and the Ocean Conservation Administration to monitor common edible species in the intertidal zone, safeguarding marine resources in the area. "Mountains and forests are lovers of the ocean; everything we do on land is ultimately borne by the sea," Candy says.
Candy also cultivates "Sea Rice" sustainably in Hualien’s Jingpu valley. She insists on not using pesticides, herbicides, or even organic fertilizers, irrigating the rice with the pristine and unpolluted water from the Lixue River, thereby revitalizing the ecological environment of Xiuguluan River’s southern bank.
花蓮Dipit-復興無菸部落 雙濱共好店家

Dipit Tribe
Situated in Fengbin Township, the "Dipit Tribe" is a vibrant community committed to preserving the lifestyle of its elders. Embracing a lifestyle devoid of smoking, alcohol, and betel nuts, they champion a wholesome indigenous way of life. This locale serves as a cultural beacon and a center for sustainable farming practices, illustrating a deep respect for both the land and its cultural legacy.
Dipit Tribe shares the rich tapestry of Fengbin's agricultural and fishing traditions, local customs, and artisanal heritage, connecting people through a variety of tours that feature activities like indigo dyeing among other crafts. In partnership with a local tea brand, the tribe crafts and offers teas inspired by the ethos of "forest-river-village-sea," and has introduced wild grass teas. These efforts beautifully encapsulate Fengbin's natural splendor, bridging philanthropy and aesthetic appreciation in full circle.


The Dipit Tribe is deeply committed to the principle of reciprocity within their community. Through organizing charity sales and accepting donations, they enhance the welfare of the tribe's children and elderly, assist elders in marketing their agricultural products or crafts, participate in field surveys to conserve tribal cultural heritage, and promote a deeper understanding of local culture among employees and community members via educational initiatives.

Education stands as a cornerstone of the Dipit Tribe's ethos, emphasizing the protection of educational rights for children in remote areas and championing the cause of lifelong learning. On the environmental front, the Dipit Tribe is a pioneer in sustainable practices. They are exploring the generation of small-scale hydroelectric power, strictly rejecting the use of single-use plastics, adhering to rigorous waste sorting and recycling protocols, and ensuring that no food goes to waste.
阿ken小農蜜 雙濱共好店家
「阿KEN 小農蜜」座落於一座樸拙的透天屋宅內,由阿Ken與大英共同經營。這裡販售的蜂蜜是以最天然的方式摘採而成堅持不使用藥物,有口袋裝、一般裝及大罐裝的柚子蜜、龍眼蜜、百花森林蜜及荔枝蜜,適合旅客送禮是或自用。

"Ken’s Honey Farm" is situated in a modest house, and is co-run by husband and wife Ah Ken and Da Ying. The honey here is harvested in the most natural way, and is chemical-free. Pocket-size, regular-size, and large jars of pomelo honey, longan honey, wildflower forest honey, and lychee honey are on sale for gift or personal use. Ah Ken and Da Ying lead a simple lifestyle surrounded by mountains, sea, and bees. Although beekeeping is hard work, they stay content and optimistic, turning complaints into laughter. Their philosophy of embracing life is infused into each jar of honey, which travelers can taste.

Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!

「阿KEN 小農蜜」自發性回饋部落,參與社區服務,透過義賣或樂捐幫助部落孩童和老人,同時購買部落長輩所採集的野菜和家禽,支持在地小農。他們關注於偏鄉兒童的受教權,維護他們的族語和山海知識,並且堅守性別平等,承諾不歧視,不暴力待人。

#SDGs4 優質教育 #SDGs5 性別平權 #SDGs11 永續城鄉 #SDGs12 責任消費及生產 #SDGs13 氣候行動 #SDGs14 保育海洋生態 #SDGs15 保育陸域生態

"Ken’s Honey Farm" actively gives back to the community, engaging in community service through charity sales or donations to assist tribal children and the elderly. They purchase wild vegetables and poultry raised by tribal elders, and support local farmers. They focus on the educational rights of rural children, preserving their native language and knowledge of the mountain and sea. They also endorse gender equality, non-discrimination, and non-violence.

In their daily practices, they conserve water, use eco-friendly cleaning products, and avoid pesticide to protect water sources. They also refrain from using disposable plastic items and sort and recycle waste. They invite travelers to join them in reducing carbon footprint, supporting reforestation and ocean restoration, preserving local culture and natural resources, and respecting traditional, ethical hunting practices.
浪洄瀾潛 雙濱共好店家
浪潛水旅行是由一群喜愛潛水、海洋、旅行的夥伴們組成,個個身負專業。想要你與我們一起領略潛水旅行的樂趣,上山、路遊、下海, 帶著收獲快樂出行、平安回家,並將這份喜悅與他人分享。
