拙而奇 藝廊咖啡 Joki Art and Coffee

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阿呈、亞羚 A-Chen and Yaling

If you get the chance, we will tell you about our secret base.

拙而奇 藝廊咖啡 Joki Art and Coffee



Joki was founded by A-Chen’s father Mr. Gan Xinyi and his team in Shimen, Hualien (1996). The complex creations are mainly composed of three elemental materials: metals (such as copper), wood, and stone. Under the aegis of the east coast mountains and bodies of water, Mr. Gan Xinyi manifests his imagination and emotions in his artistic creations. A choreography of dots, lines, and irregular shapes frees his artwork from the shackles of physical representation and lets his artwork go beyond the surface appearance into a spiritual level that speaks directly to the soul. Leaving viewers lost in a mysterious realm.

The brand logo with it’s bare feet and eyes symbolizes and represents the spirit of Joki “Life should always be full of curiosity”. Humanity must observe with their eyes and let their feet carry them through experiences. Only then will humanity be able to truly experience the richness and vibrancy of life. The true origins of art officially comes from our experiences in life.


藝術雕塑展售 Sculpture Art Exhibition

飲品 Drinks

下午茶 Afternoon Tea

#甘信一 #藝術雕塑 #複合材質創作 #鵝卵石 #原木 #金屬銅 #咖啡廳


  • 聯絡電話|038-781616
  • 地  址|花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口村石梯灣3號 Hualien County, Fengbin Township, Fakong Village, Shi Ti Wan No.3


  • 13:00-17:00
    Mondays off.
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  • 花蓮客運1140、1145 / 石門休憩區 站