貓公部落 Fakong Tribal Village

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The train engine that is reminiscent of childhood, the mysterious lady who makes wine, the teacher who gathers materials to make clothes.

貓公部落 Fakong Tribal Village


The Fakong Tribal Village of Fengbin township preserves their traditional culture through chinese silk plant and umbrella plant weaving, wine-making and meat smoking, and the “Pakelang” ceremony of sealed creek fishing. Come visit the Fakong Tribal Village and immerse yourself in the culture of the local youth,experience the mysterious music and dance of the tribe, and appreciate their rich and traditional craft skills. You can find all these things in the Maogong tribe at the foot of the holy mountain.

Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!

#SDGs 1 取之於部落,自發性的回饋部落 / 主動參與社區服務
#SDGs 2 購買部落長輩所採集的野菜及飼養的家禽
#SDGs 3 擁有一顆樂於助人的心
#SDGs 4 身為原住民,我們要教導孩子們族語,讓族語得以永存
#SDGs 5 支持多元性別的權利並提供他們公平的工作機會
#SDGs 6 節約用水
#SDGs 8 提供新的工作機會
#SDGs 10 公平支付員工薪資
#SDGs 11 協助在地田野調查,維護部落所留下的文字、圖像、影片、文物等珍貴的文化資產,讓下一代擁有最完整的在地知識系統
#SDGs 13 提供旅客乾淨的飲用水,在旅行當中減少寶特瓶使用
#SDGs 14 使用可重複使用的提袋與容器、吸管及餐具取代一次性塑膠包裝,避免海洋汙染
#SDGs 16 尊重在地文化與習俗
#SDGs 17 樂意以彼此合作互惠,建立與在地、與旅客的夥伴關係


部落導覽 Tour of the tribal village

文化體驗 Cultural workshop

苧麻編織 Chinese Silk Plant weaving

輪傘草編織 Umbrella Plant weaving

酒釀體驗 Wine-making workshop

醃肉體驗 Smoked meat workshop


  • 聯絡電話|03-879-1082
  • 地  址|花蓮縣豐濱鄉豐濱村民族街82巷8之2號 Hualien County, Fengbin Township, Fengbin Village, Minzu Street, Lane 82, No. 8-2.


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  • 花蓮客運1140、1145、1125 / 豐濱 站