高山森林基地 GaoShan Forest Center
Located on the slopes of coastal mountains next to the Provincial Highway, lives a small group of people from the Bunun tribe. Like the children who have flown from their parent’s nest in the central mountain range, they travelled over mountains and came to the coastal mountains to start their own life story. High Mountain Forest Base owner, Xiao-Ma says “ the forest is the best companion for locals and visitors.” Xiao-Ma wants to share the forest in hopes of letting people reconnect with nature. Through forest trekking, archery, making campfires, and rope climbing, Xiao-Ma hopes to establish connections between nature and mankind.
Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!
#SDGs 2 生活中不浪費食物 / 購買部落長輩所採集的野菜及飼養的家禽 / 支持在地小農,建立產地與餐桌的供應鏈
#SDGs 6 節約用水 / 保護水源安全,選用環保清潔劑、不在上下游使用農藥 / 不在上下游使用農藥 / 選用環保清潔劑 / 所有的廢水都會先進行淨化處理,避免直接讓廢水排放至溪水和海岸邊
#SDGs 12 選購在地生產的食品與物品,減少運輸過程 / 避免產品過度包裝,減少垃圾 / 透過正確丟棄、回收或捐贈,降低環境污染 / 重新改造用不到的舊物、鼓勵分享與借用
#SDGs 13 提供旅客乾淨的飲用水,在旅行當中減少寶特瓶使用 / 提供旅客大眾運輸相關資訊、鼓勵共乘或綠能交通工具 / 減碳行動,支持並推動山林及海洋復育 / 採用自然生態工法,減少使用農藥與除草劑,維護生態環境
#SDGs 15 支持與自然和諧共生,尊重生物多樣性與獵場生態倫理 / 耕作時,不使用化肥及農藥,避免水源污染 / 推動專業的生態導覽活動,讓旅客了解山林智慧,不讓財團過度開發土地,保護土地生態
#SDGs 16 尊重在地文化與習俗 / 關注地方事務發展,了解並適切表達看見與想法 / 我積極參與部落會議組織,透過會議諮商權益,確保部落的公平正義與正向發展
Located on the slopes of coastal mountains next to the Provincial Highway, lives a small group of people from the Bunun tribe. Like the children who have flown from their parent’s nest in the central mountain range, they travelled over mountains and came to the coastal mountains to start their own life story. High Mountain Forest Base owner, Xiao-Ma says “ the forest is the best companion for locals and visitors.” Xiao-Ma wants to share the forest in hopes of letting people reconnect with nature. Through forest trekking, archery, making campfires, and rope climbing, Xiao-Ma hopes to establish connections between nature and mankind.
Let's SDGs! 改變世界從你我的行動開始!
#SDGs 2 生活中不浪費食物 / 購買部落長輩所採集的野菜及飼養的家禽 / 支持在地小農,建立產地與餐桌的供應鏈
#SDGs 6 節約用水 / 保護水源安全,選用環保清潔劑、不在上下游使用農藥 / 不在上下游使用農藥 / 選用環保清潔劑 / 所有的廢水都會先進行淨化處理,避免直接讓廢水排放至溪水和海岸邊
#SDGs 12 選購在地生產的食品與物品,減少運輸過程 / 避免產品過度包裝,減少垃圾 / 透過正確丟棄、回收或捐贈,降低環境污染 / 重新改造用不到的舊物、鼓勵分享與借用
#SDGs 13 提供旅客乾淨的飲用水,在旅行當中減少寶特瓶使用 / 提供旅客大眾運輸相關資訊、鼓勵共乘或綠能交通工具 / 減碳行動,支持並推動山林及海洋復育 / 採用自然生態工法,減少使用農藥與除草劑,維護生態環境
#SDGs 15 支持與自然和諧共生,尊重生物多樣性與獵場生態倫理 / 耕作時,不使用化肥及農藥,避免水源污染 / 推動專業的生態導覽活動,讓旅客了解山林智慧,不讓財團過度開發土地,保護土地生態
#SDGs 16 尊重在地文化與習俗 / 關注地方事務發展,了解並適切表達看見與想法 / 我積極參與部落會議組織,透過會議諮商權益,確保部落的公平正義與正向發展